Monday, August 13, 2012

Review: The Haunted - Bentley Little

Book Completed 8/12/2012 - Days it Took to Complete: 3.5



Summary: A typical family of 4 moves from one to another because, well, just because. The new house is pretty cool at first as everyone's rooms are bigger and they have a yard where they can have a garden. Weird events start happening in the house. Events such as family members having the same dream about a old, homeless man in the basement with really white teeth hiding out or the laundry basket keeps moving in kitchen. Eventually the daughter has a sleepover and notices the evil spirit toying with one her friend while she sleeps. The presence is so powerful, in fact it can text and email you threatening words so as to wield it's power.  It even omits a sexual accelerator to the husband Julian and wife Claire that they're not used to. Eventually they discover the house is on ancient land that has had evil around it for centuries. Claire and the kids move out but Julian is staying put as he believes he has found away to get rid of the demonic spirit. I will not spoil the ending, but I will say it was more satisfying than I had thought it would be and a little surprising as well. 

Thoughts: This is my first read of Bentley Little as he is a pretty straightforward author. He doesn't try and dazzle you with large words and drag his sentences out more than it needs to be. The characters are fairly typical, but the father, Julian is a little too pigheaded as it takes quite a bit of evidence for him to believe that the house is haunted. I thought any rational person, based on the events in the book, would realize that there is something wrong with the house, much less the surrounding neighborhood as everyone is trying to sell their house. Overall a good read and I will try and reas another of his. I will say that there are a few very explicit sex scenes that didn't bother me, but didn't see coming based on the description of the book and what i had read prior to the book.

Final Analysis: 7.5 out of 10 stars

Next Book: American Assassin - Vince Flynn. At the time of this post I was already 255 pages into it as i had read 240 pages yesterday.