Monday, August 20, 2012

Review: The Academy - Bentley Little

Book Completed 8/17/2012 - Days To Complete - 2

Summary: Told from the 3rd person POV, this novel follows two teachers and about 3-5 students as they seemlingly become aware that the high school that they go is going through some changes. The school in essence is coming alive and showing signs of being haunted. The school's principal is hell bent on making tujis schoo, a carhet school, and weeding out those, students and teachers alike, that don't fither model of perfection .Some teachers are acting very strange and there seems to be a sexual element to a couple of them, while students just look at each other not sure of what is going on. The more the 3 students and 2 teachers puch back toward this avalanche of change, the more they are pushed and seemingly see more visions of ghosts and strange events. The end is what you'd expect, but yet is engaging because you want to see what other odd stuff the author can troll out.

Review: Overall, as I had stated in an earlier tweek last week, the book is predictable but engaging. You care about the two students who become cloer as you go, but question the decision of the main teacher, who keeps getting told my her husband that she should quit and move on, but she says she can't give up on the school and her students.

Final Analysis: 7 out of 10 stars.

1 comment:

  1. Can't decide if you are Siskel or Ebert for books. One review you pull me toward Siskel and the next towards Ebert. If you had four thumbs I would consider you both.
