Thursday, August 9, 2012

Review: Separation of Power - Vince Flynn

Book Completed 8/8/2012 - Days it Took to Complete: 3 


This is the third book in the Mitch Series by Vince Flynn. While I've read others in the series, I'm trying to start at the beginning, since I'm noticing that one story blends into the next story. Here we have Mitch and his soon to be fiancee Anna becoming boyfriend and girlfriend and doing stuff together, but Mitch still cannot divulge information to her that is considered "classified". He wants to take her on a trip to Italy, unfortunately he has to take care of some business while he there. Mainly, he has to find out who wanted him dead in the last book, "Transfer of Power." He knows knows who killed Peter Cameron, it's his former lover and spy partner Donatella, a curvaceous and dark haired beauty, according to the author, who is now a assassin by contract only. One thing leads to another and she is almost killed because she used to work for Israel's version of the CIA and they now want her dead. Mitch gets caught in the middle, he brings a wounded Donatella back to his hotel, Anna freaks out after she finds out this is his former lover (not caring that she was shot, hilarious) and leaves.
Moving forward, the main plot of the book is that Iraq is hiding WMD's under a Baghdad hospital. The president, along with CIA director Irene Kennedy, and cast of thousands (actually more like 8 or 9) plot to infiltrate the hospital under a mask of cruise missiles and bombings and take the nukes out. Mitch and his team succeed and Mitch gets back to the US and he and Anna get back together. Mitch proposes and they become engaged.
The end of the book shows Micth and Donatella covertly taking out the evil Senator Hank Clark (who was the one who had hired Peter Cameron to take out Mitch in the last book.


I great thrill ride from start to finish. Of all the books I've read so far in this series, this one delves more into the emotions and mind of Mitch Rapp. He actually sheds tears and goes back and forth on if he should even be with any woman, much less Anna. The sequence of them infiltrating Baghdad is tense and gripping. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who is a fan of Vince Flynn.


8 out of 10 stars


The Haunting by Bentley Little. This will be my first reading of his so I'm looking forward to it. Stephen King highly recommends him and Bentley has won some Bram Stoker awards for his novels. as of 8/9/2012 I'm 20 pages in and so far so good.

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